Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Bash Shell keyboard shortcuts for Linux users

Linux Shortcuts for Shell Commands

Ctrl + D : exit a terminal, same as typing `exit` 
Ctrl + L : clears the screen, same as `clear` 
Ctrl + C : breaks/cancels an ongoing operation 
Ctrl + Z: pauses (stops) an ongoing operation. Type `fg` (foreground) to resume it or `bg` (background) to continue the process in the background 
Ctrl + Alt + Del : shuts down computer

Bash Shell shortcuts for moving backward forward

Ctrl + A : Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on 
Ctrl + E : Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on 
Ctrl + U: Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line. 
Ctrl + W: Delete the word before the cursor. 
Ctrl + K: Clear the line after the cursor. 
Ctrl + T: Swap the last two characters before the cursor. 
Esc + T: Swap the last two words before the cursor. 
Alt + F: Move cursor forward one word on the current line. 
Alt + B: Move cursor backward one word on the current line.

History related bash shell shortcuts -

Ctrl + R: Let’s you search through previously used commands. 
Alt + <: Move to the first line in the history. 
Alt + >: Move to the last line in the history.

Other bash shell shortcuts

Ctrl + H: Same as backspace.
Tab: Auto: complete files and folder names. 
Ctrl + Y: to paste it (as in delete and copy) all text in front of the cursor. 
Alt +? : Show current completion list. 
Alt + *: Insert all possible completions. 
Alt + /: Attempt to complete file-name. 
Alt + c: Capitalize the word. 
Alt + l: Make word lowercase. 
Alt + r: Recall command.

Note: Some of these commands may not work if you are accessing bash through a telnet, ssh session, or depending on how you have your keys mapped.

Linux GUI – KDE shortcuts  

Most common Linux Shortcuts for KDE - 

Ctrl + Esc: KDE System Guard process table. 
Alt + F1 : K-Menu popup. 
Alt + F2: Run command. 
Alt + F3: Application control. 
Alt + F4: Terminated active application. 
Alt + F5: Quick application switcher. 
Alt + Tab: Switch between active applications. 
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PageDN: direct shutdown. 
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Page UP: direct reboot.

Linux shortcuts for Virtual terminals

 Most common Linux Shortcuts for Virtual terminals - 
Ctrl + Alt + F1: Switch to the first virtual terminal. In Linux, you can have several virtual terminals at the same time. The default is 6. 
Ctrl + Alt + Fn: Switch to the nth virtual terminal. Because the number of virtual terminals is 6 by default, n = 1...6.
tty: Typing the tty command tells you what virtual terminal you're currently working in. 
Ctrl + Alt + F7: Switch to the GUI. If you have X Window System running, it runs in the seventh virtual terminal by default. If X isn't running, this terminal is empty. 
Miscellaneous Linux shortcuts
Most common miscellaneous Linux Shortcuts - 
ALT+Ctrl + (F1-F7): To switch between different terminals. Or if GUI is installed then to switch between GUI and text mode.
GUI specific - 
Ctrl+Q: Mostly to quit from and application (like gimp, konqueror).
Switch Desktop - 
Desktop 1 : Ctrl +F1 
Desktop 2 : Ctrl +F2 
Desktop 3 : Ctrl +F3 
Desktop 4 : Ctrl +F4 
Scroll Lock - 
Press Scroll Lock: locks terminal input/output - allows reading console contents when output is going too fast. To unlock, press Scroll Lock once again  

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